Acquisition of VMware by Broadcom

It was recently announced that VMware, a leading player in the world of virtualization and cloud solutions, has been acquired by Broadcom. This acquisition aims to further enhance and strengthen its capabilities and innovations in virtualization, networking technology and cloud services.

We understand that changes within an organization such as VMware can raise questions about the future of your IT solutions and the support you receive from us. Therefore, we want to reassure you that we are actively engaged in identifying the implications of this acquisition and how it may affect your organization.

Behind the scenes, we are working closely with the VMware and Broadcom teams to understand and evaluate all aspects of this transition. Our goal is to ensure that you are informed in a timely and complete manner of any changes that may affect your IT environment.

As soon as we have a better understanding of the specific changes and their impact on your organization, we will contact you immediately. You can rest assured that we will provide you with all the relevant information and guidance you need in a timely manner to successfully navigate this transition.

In the meantime, we are available to you at any time for any questions or clarifications. Please do not hesitate to contactyour account manager at BPSOLUTIONS, who will be happy to assist you and answer your questions.




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