
Public cloud can offer more security than internal IT currently offers - BPSOLUTIONS

Written by Ronald van Heek | Apr 14, 2020 3:08:00 PM

When we talk about a switch to “the cloud”, companies are never just one cloud, but multi-cloud. Mark de Groot (CEO), Ronald van Heek (CCO), Mark Jansen (Service Strategy Consultant) and Bo-Nathan London (Cloud Strategy Architect) talk to the Dutch IT Channel.

What should you pay close attention to? How do you make sure you don’t have to deal with a vendor lock-in again? And how safe is the public cloud? These topics are discussed in the interview.

An important question was whether AWS or Azure or IBM Cloud would be the best choice. BPSOLUTIONS helps a customer solve the problem by asking another question: what is the best platform for the innovation you want to bet on? In a session we investigated this question together with the customer. Which platform will still fit the requirements of the organization in the future, will we work cloud native or do we want there to be “cloud portability”? If you start thinking about that, the story will become more complex. Our cloud services are independent in this respect: we can provide services on all major public cloud platforms, from our own hybrid cloud and on the internal private cloud of a customer. ”

“It is important that the organization determines a clear strategy with regard to cloud computing. On the one hand, driven from the point of view of keeping IT up and running and on the other hand, to ensure that data really works for you and that the organization is’ future. proof “is being made” – Mark de Groot, CEO BPSOLUTIONS.

Read the full article on Dutch IT Channel (Dutch only)